The RESRAD family of codes is developed at Argonne National Laboratory to analyze potential human and biota radiation exposures from the environmental contamination of RESidual RADioactive materials. The codes use pathway analysis to evaluate radiation exposure and associated risks, and to derive cleanup criteria or authorized limits for radionuclide concentrations in the contaminated source medium. The RESRAD family of codes is widely used by regulatory agencies, the risk assessment community, and universities in more than 100 countries around the world.
For assessing radiation exposures of a human receptor located on top of soils contaminated with radioactive materials
For assessing radiation exposures of a human receptor located on top of or at some distance from soils contaminated with radioactive materials
For assessing radiation exposures of a human receptor in a contaminated building or a building housing contaminated furniture or equipment
For evaluating human radiation exposures during the early, intermediate, or late phase of response after a radiological dispersal device (RDD) incident
For evaluating radiation exposures of nonhuman biota, including flora and fauna, in a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem