This code is no longer being maintained or updated. The available archived versions may not work on newer operating systems.

RESRAD-ECORISK estimates chemical exposures of ecological receptors due to hazardous chemicals in soil. Species-specific life history information such as food ingestion rate, body weight, and diet compositions, are used to calculate chemical exposures in terms of daily dose, which then are divided by threshold quantities to obtain ecological effects quotients. The sum of the ecological effects quotients over all hazardous chemicals of concern determines the level of potential risk to an ecological receptor.

The database of RESRAD-ECORISK includes chemical properties and transfer factors for 151 chemicals, as well as their threshold quantities for 5 ecological receptors, American Robin, White-Footed Mouse, Mallard Duck, White-tailed Deer, and Eastern Cottontail. Text output lists chemical concentrations in soil and in surrounding environmental media, as well as applied daily doses calculated for receptor and chemical combinations over time. Graphic output is also supported.