Analyzes buildings with up to 9 rooms (or compartments).
Models all branches of the transformation chain with:
Choice of ICRP-107 or ICRP-38 transformation data; and
Specification of any logical cut-off half-life to reduce execution time.
Allows independent choice of a set of internal dose, external dose and risk libraries.
Libraries are compatible with each other and with the choice of transformation data.
Added DCFPAK3.02 dose and risk libraries associated with ICRP-107 transformation data.
Computes direct external dose & risk from each progeny radionuclide, individually.
Computes the transient concentrations of source material in air and on the floor over time, from release to air.
Computes the temporal concentration of radionuclides in the air and on the floor.
Maintains mass balance between source material that is in-situ, released to air, inadvertently ingested, and
removed from the building.
Maintains mass balance between source material released to air that is suspended in air, deposited on the floor,
ventilated out of the building, and removed by vacuuming.
Allows air exchange in each direction, between each pair of rooms, and between each room and the outdoors.
Models vacuuming at regular intervals.
Models resuspension at different rates in different rooms.
Models delayed and intermittent releases of source material from point, line, or area sources:
Models releases over up to 10 different periods of time, each at a different release rate.
Has an analytical algorithm suitable for most constant source material release rate scenarios with up to 3
Has a numerical algorithm for scenarios with up to 9 rooms.
Updated steady state model for radon gas released to air and for the fate of three of the radon progenies.
Speeded up time integration of dose and risk:
Developed analytical expressions for time integration where feasible; and
Employed numerical time integration, when necessary, with a user specifiable convergence criterion in
addition to the limit on the number of time points.
Unambiguous specification of the location and the orientation of the contaminated region for volume sources
The location of the centroid of the contaminated region; and
The direction to the eroding surface from the centroid.
Generates intermediate results in multiple output files per user’s choice to provide:
Details of component doses and risks by time, exposure pathway, receptor, source, initially present nuclide,
and progeny nuclide; and
Insights to the modeling.
Offers a choice of functionality and input forms:
A new appearance to accept input to access the full functionality of the computational code; and
Retained the traditional appearance (similar to version 3.5) with access to fewer features.
Provided interactive context-specific help with links between help topics.
Linked the User’s Manual and User’s Guide to the code for easy access.
Linked the code to DCF Editor version 3.3 that has
an expanded database (including air submersion dose and risk coefficients); and
an improved interactive help feature.
Listed dose and risk contributions from each radionuclide in a decay chain sequentially in the summary report.
Enabled the code to run and produce graphic results on Windows 10 computers.
RESRAD-BUILD 3.5 (10/30/2009)
Choice between ICRP60 or FGR12 for external dose factors added
64-bit and Vista computers now supported
Added graphics capability for risk results
RESRAD-BUILD 3.4 (12/20/2007)
Added ICRP 72 age-dependent DCFs
Added sensitivity analysis
More advanced detailed report
Various textual changes to the interface
Source form changed to be similar to RESRAD
Shielding of a volume source now correctly sets the density of shielding
Help system enhanced
RESRAD-BUILD 3.3 (8/25/2005)
Added risk calculations
Added ICRP-38 database
Added rectangular source
Reestablished Eu-154 external parameters
Alphabetically ordered radionuclide list
DCF Editor is now common between RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD
RESRAD-BUILD 3.22 (2/6/2004)
Added Tl-206 and Bi-210m
Corrected DCF and coefficient for Eu-154, Sm-151, and Pu-244
RESRAD-BUILD 3.21 (10/1/2002)
Added Graphics Wizard that guides the user through the process of creating data plots
Added ability to add more than 10 radionuclides per source
Corrected SR-90 area and volume source calculations
Radon diffusion calculations with volume sources with more than 1 region have been corrected
SI units problem has been fixed
Upgraded to run under Windows XP
The external DCF values for U-238+D and Ce-144+D changed from 1.37E-01 to 1.52E-01 and 3.20E-01 to 3.24E-01, respectively
Refined line integral approximation and Bateman’s equation for short-lived daughters at small times
Resolved error with Radon daughters in uncertainty analysis
RESRAD-BUILD 3.1 (7/27/2001)
User choice of radiological units: Ci, Bq, dps, dpm for activity and mrem or Sv for dose
Much improved report Table of Contents
If calculation errors occur, they are identified and displayed
The removable fraction is accurately reported
Copy Shielding feature has been created
Improved 3D interface with a bounding box
Changed default file extension to .bld
Exposure buildup factor coefficients are consistenty used instead of energy absorption buildup factor coefficients
U-236 half-life changed to 2.34E7 years from 2.34E6 years
Pb-210 air submersion DCF changed to 1.05E-5 (mrem/yr per pCi/m3) from 1.43E-5
Effective diffusion coefficient of Rn for uncertainty analysis has been enabled
Corrected occasional bluewash over input fields
Improved Help
RESRAD-BUILD 3.00 (10/15/2000)
There is no difference in the deterministic interface, calculations, or results
The probabilistic version was updated and released including the following features:
Default data distributions for important variables
Template files for non-radionuclide dependent variables
A help system to display the input distributions
Feedback on how long the calculation will take
A robust user input screen for setting distributions, input correlations, & sampling characteristics
An estimate of the variability of the end results given the sampling size and characteristics
A set of 4 output results including interactive tables and graphs, a full report, and a structured database with all the raw samplings and intermediate results
Input-output correlation analysis
Analysis with both the peak-of-the-means and means-of-the-peaks methods
RESRAD-BUILD 2.37 (August 1998)
Added table for input/review of source/receptor shielding properties
Fixed occasional inconsistencies with Radon dose results
RESRAD-BUILD 2.36 (April 1998)
Corrected problem with simultaneously changing number of wall regions and their parameters
Added OK button to uncertainty window
Made sure first uncertainty variable is added on first try
RESRAD-BUILD 2.35 (March 1998)
DCF consistent with RESRAD
Defined porosity dependence for Rn path only
Various interface improvements
RESRAD-BUILD 2.30 (January 1998)
Incorporated new Tritium model for volume sources
Cleaned up interface
RESRAD-BUILD 2.20 (July 1997)
Incorporated new external model similar to RESRAD
Cleaned up interface units and defaults
Fixed Ra-228/Th-228 air decay (usually very minor)
RESRAD-BUILD 2.11 (March 1997)
Corrected incorporation of Am-241 as daughter of Pu-241.
Corrected ability of user to save and use User-Defined DCF (DOS)
Radon dose calculation correction.
Windows interface version released under test and evaluation mode