Upgraded the surface water model considering water balance and sediment balance in addition to the radionuclide balance.
Upgraded the release models to allow:
different conceptualizations of the primary contamination;
independent changes to the release properties over time;
an equilibrium solubility transfer option in addition to the equilibrium desorption option and the first order rate-controlled option with different transfer options for progeny when possible;
diffusive transport within the contaminated media when appropriate.
Provided a means to read externally modified input data.
Updated context sensitive help.
Developed a new deterministic graphics display/viewer.
Prepared a new User's Manual and a new User's Guide.
RESRAD-OFFSITE 3.2 (06/28/2016)
Choice of ICRP38 and ICRP107 transformation data, with corresponding dose and slope libraries.
Partially submerged or fully submerged primary contamination.
Resuspension from offsite locations.
Updated Help file.
Added text file containing release rate of radon
RESRAD-OFFSITE 3.1 (7/19/2013)
New: Additional release options are available. These include delayed and time distributed availability for release, transport of released nuclides in the primary contamination, first order rate controlled release and instantaneous equilibrium desorption release.
New: Automated area factor calculation for offsite scenarios
User interface: easier probabilistic sensitivity analysis; easier batch processing preparation
Model Updates: Radon generation from offsite soil accumulation with option to use ICRP-60 DCF; C-14 escape as carbon dioxide from primary contamination
Help: Windows 7 compatible; integrated documents for new features
Fixed reporting of soil guidelines with multiple decay paths and near specific activity
RESRAD-OFFSITE 2.6 (7/7/2010)
Improved predictions at low dispersivities and at short saturated zone transport distances
Simulate RESRAD (Onsite) or provide template file for onsite exposure scenario
Improve storage time interpolation
Fix problem in lower bound of well pumping rate
Display and output the transfer factors for H-3
RESRAD-OFFSITE 2.5 (10/30/2009)
Extended DCF Database capability for ICRP 60
Support for 64 bit and Vista computers
Relationships can now be specified between inputs in uncertainty mode
Curved groundwater flow lines can now be input
Automatically written flux from unsaturated zone to saturated zone and from saturated zone to surface water body.
Automatically written the concentration profile in aquifer for probabilistic runs