Provided options to choose between the ICRP-38 radionuclide decay database and the ICRP107 radionuclide decay database.
Support to use either ICRP-26/30 or ICRP-60/72 based dose coefficients with the first option.
Support to use ICRP60 based dose coefficients from DCFPAK 3.02 with the second option.
RESRAD 7.0 (4/4/2014)
Extend DCF Database and software capability for ICRP 107; added Reference Person DCF's as an option
Use of different cover and depth factors for photosynthesis and root uptake for C-14
Updated Help for RESRAD and for DCF Editor
Fix problem in graphics with multiply threaded progeny
RESRAD 6.5 (10/30/2009)
C-14 gaseous and particulate contributions to dose and risk available
Partially or fully submerged contaminated zone now treated
Choice between ICRP60 or FGR12 for External dose factors added
64-bit and Vista computers now supported
RESRAD 6.4 (12/20/2007)
Added ICRP 72 age-dependent DCFs
Improved data storage and retrieval, user specified directories.
User specified ground DCF's now possible.
C-14 inhalation dose and risk improved.
RESRAD 6.3 (8/25/2005)
Added ICRP-38 radionuclides
Allow variable half-life cutoff
DCF Editor is now common between RESRAD and RESRAD-BUILD
RESRAD 6.22 (2/6/2004)
Added Tl-206 and Bi-210m
RESRAD 6.21 (9/5/2002)
Corrected transfer factors default distributions for several radionuclides to match those listed in NUREG/CR-6697
An enhanced probabilistic output graphing capability has been added
A problem with spontaneous fission in the water pathway has been corrected
Minor changes were made to the DCF Editor, including the resolution of problems with dose units and creation of risk factors
A Windows XP compatibility issue has been resolved, making RESRAD completely Windows XP compatible
RESRAD 6.2 (5/31/2002)
Fixed correlation bug that occurred when a large number of parameters is specified for uncertainty analysis
The interactive output now allows scatter plots of input parameter vs. input parameter
There is no longer a prompt to save the input file after a probabilistic run
A printer driver is no longer required to view output
Interactive output is now closed when "File, Run" is selected
Uncertainty database is compacted after a RESRAD run
The external DCF values for U-238+D and Ce-144+D changed from 1.37E-01 to 1.52E-01 and 3.20E-01 to 3.24E-01, respectively
The RESRAD email and web site text are now hyperlinked
RESRAD 6.1 (7/27/2001)
Risk library now includes HEAST 2001, FGR 13 Morbidity, and FGR 13 Mortality in addition to HEAST 1995
User choice of radiological units: Ci, Bq, dps, dpm for activity and mrem or Sv for dose
The area factor (AF) for a zero wind speed is 1. The AF for wind speeds greater than 10m/s is AF(10)
Basic radiation dose limit changed from 30 to 25 mrem/yr
Provide more feedback to the user when the uncertainty output is being processed
Uncertainty database updated to MS Access 2000
Improved help
RESRAD 6.00 (10/15/2000)
The probabilistic version was updated and released including the following features:
Default data distributions for important variables
Template files for non-radionuclide dependent variables
A help system to display the input distributions
Feedback on how long the calculation will take
A robust user input screen for setting distributions, input correlations, & sampling characteristics
An estimate of the variability of the end results given the sampling size and characteristics
A set of 4 output results including interactive tables and graphs, a full report, and a structured database with all the raw samplings and intermediate results
Input-output correlation analysis
Analysis with both the peak-of-the-means and means-of-the-peaks methods
Windows user interface code upgraded from 16-bit VB4 to 32-bit VB6
Quadruple precision used in Bateman calculations for decy/ingrowth source factors. This is important for decay chains of 5 or longer
Quadruple precision used in Romberg integrations. This shortened calculations times and completely eliminated convergence failure errors
Improved integrated risk convergence
Introduced ratio between default DCF and DCF for inorganic C-14
Included occupancy considerations for the inhalation of gaseous C-14 and H-3. Removed consideration of H-3 in particulate form
Consider evasion losses of C-14 and H-3 for groundwater pathways
Improved robustness when chain retardation factor ratios widely vary in different zones
Add ability to perform non-integrated risk (1 point)
Improved radon progeny risk calculation
RESRAD 5.95 (12/23/1999)
Easy to use DCF editor
All Fortran code upgraded from Fortran 77 (Lahey F77L3) to Fortran 95 (Lahey/Fujitsu LF95)
RESRAD 5.91 (9/23/1999)
Revamp DCF editor
Gracefully notifies user if a calculation error occurs
Uncertainty analysis improvements
Time integration of dose
Allow user to find pathway peaks
Improve treatment of 4th and 5th daughter radionuclide in groundwater calculation
Y2K compliance check
Provide windows standard help
Add additional nuclides
Ability to run batch files
Allow sensitivity analysis on plant factors
Distribute with Uncertainty analysis (still under "For Test and Evaluation")
Interface improvements
RESRAD 5.82 (4/30/1998)
Allow plot data to be exported to tab-delimited text file
Corrected Installation problem on Windows 3.1
Corrected plotting problem for soil guidelines
RESRAD 5.81 (4/9/1998)
Corrected plotting problem for soil guidelines
Corrected sensitivity plotting problems with branching radionuclides
Enhanced file saving checks before running
Does not allow negative time since waste placement
Corrected uncertainty plotting problems with branching radionuclides
RESRAD 5.80 (3/13/1998)
Support for Windows NT
Repaired "Export to EXCEL" for latest versions
Allow sensitivity on leaching and solubility
Various interface improvements
RESRAD 5.782 (10/31/1997)
Fixed various interface problems
RESRAD 5.781 (8/29/1997)
Change default Mass Loading Factor in occupancy factor to 0.0001 g/m3
Easier Cancel option
Reset Co-60 Plant Transfer Factor
RESRAD 5.78 (8/20/1997)
Correctly initialize meat concentrations
Correct plotting problem with branching radionuclides
Use exponential notation on plots when appropriate
RESRAD 5.77 (8/8/1997)
Do not print peak dose table when peak is a user selected time
Allow plotting of soil conentrations
Initialize meat concentration
RESRAD 5.76 (7/25/1997)
Ensure convergence for Kd calculation, given water concentrations
Disallow user selection of variables not supported for sensitivity analysis
Add sensitivity description to graphics title
Add single pathway name to graphics title
Allow foe sensitivity analysis of single nuclide and single pathway
Minor interface cleanup
Installation cleanup
Add menu selection to allow user to save all reports
Plot data at time of maximum dose (peak)
RESRAD 5.75 (7/4/1997)
Incorporation of new area factor model for inhalation
Time integrated risk
User's ability to change radon DCF
User's ability to change Plant Factors
Compatibility with Uncertainty Analysis
DCF Library Save/New feature cleanup
Graphics look update
Graphics interface
Button prompts for navigator
C14/H3 calculations off then pathways off
Groundwater reorganization
External DCF includes beta component
RESRAD 5.70 for Windows (1/31/1997)
Release of Windows Version with DOS "emulator"
Runs on Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
RESRAD 5.62 (7/3/1996)
Updated default Slope Factors from latest HEAST tables.
Added an error check to the Fortran module to avoid file collisions in Windows
RESRAD 5.61 (8/28/1995)
Corrected an error in the calculation of water-independent radon doses for graphic points in cases where the contaminated area is less than 100 meters.
Corrected an error which caused short-lived radionuclides to have a zero Kd if the calculations are run after changing the half-life, but before going to screen R012.
Corrected an error in the calculation of food storage time correction factors for small concentrations near the end of a decay chain.
Half lives were changed to reflect ICRP-38 data.
RESRAD 5.60 (4/25/1995)
Corrected errors in graphing interface routine (RESPLOT).
Corrected U-238 external dose conversion factor to FGR-12 value.
Updated Slope factor tables.
Modified internal dose conversion factors to match FGR-11.
RESRAD 5.50 (3/14/1995)
Replace the external gamma pathway model with a model based on the FGR-12 database.
Significantly modified the graphing interface.
Corrected an error in the concentration report for radionuclides with branch decay
Changed the default value reported for the foundation depth in the Radon pathway in SUMMARY.REP to the new default of -1.
Added a warning and check to prevent attempting calculation of Kd's using water concentration in cases where there are no unsaturated zones.
Corrected a problem with switching to a 6 month cut-off half-life with Sb-125 selected
RESRAD 5.44 (2/16/1995)
Changed the radon pathway's default foundation depth to -1 m to assume (conservatively) that buildings are built on top of the contaminated zone.
Added various checks to input, calculation, and output.
modified Radon pathway to reduce execution time.
RESRAD 5.43 (1/11/1995)
Modification to correct a potential bug which may miscalculate daughter concentrations in the saturated zone in cases where there is no unsaturated zone.
RESRAD 5.42 (1/5/1995)
Corrected SOILD external calculations (Shape factor between -1 and 0).
RESRAD 5.41 (5.40) (11/28/1994)
Modification to the cover and depth factor for the Tritium and C-14 ingestion and inhalation pathway models.
Changed the effective surface density to correspond with the current default soil density.
Changed tritium and C-14 deposition velocity from 0.0 to 0.001 m/sec
Begin distribution of RESRAD.QA input and report to verify RESRAD calculations on a user's computer
RESRAD 5.191 (8/22/1994)
Modified soil ingestion rate for onsite occupancy
fixed an occasionally incorrect Summary Report entry which showed the summed pathway dose total to be zero.
RESRAD 5.19:
Support networked printers.
Modify interface to correctly disable/enable parameters according to the current pathways.
RESRAD 5.18 (7/13/1994)
User interface modified to reflect comments from Haliburton NUS. These modifications include changes to the allowable ranges of several parameters and better checks on sensitivity ranges.
User interface modified to always display "Hot Keys".
RESRAD 5.17:
Modification to account for decay and ingrowth during food storage time (from harvest to consumption).
RESRAD 5.16:
Minor correction to the Dose Factor Library Files.
RESRAD 5.05 (3/11/1994)
Corrected a potential problem in the calculation of daughter transfer function the ground water transport model.
Added site-specific data files name to screen banner line.
RESRAD 5.04 (2/23/1994)
Allow user access to soil mixing depth when soil ingestion is the only active pathway.
Correct a problem caused by certain cover depths and densities.
RESRAD 5.03 (12/16/1993)
Incorporation of ROMBERG integration method.
RESRAD 5.02 (12/15/1993)
modified DEFAULT.DAT and PATHCHK.DAT to correct minor bugs
RESRAD 5.01 (12/2/1993)
Corrected the concentration report for radionuclides with a spontaneous fission branch fraction.
Modify interface checks and enable/disable features.